T. S. Eliot: Christian – Critic – Poet
Thomas Stearns Eliot is often regarded as one the most significant artists in modern English literature, as an author who can be boldly placed on the same level as Shakespeare. In his poetry and essay writing he set standards that for a century literature has adhered to, perhaps defined itself in opposition to, but cannot ignore. Publishers Argo house recently brought out Křesťan – kritik – básník (Christian – Critic – Poet), an extensive collection of Eliot’s essays. It will be discussed by the translators and English Studies specialists Martin Hilský, Martin Pokorný and Petr Onufer, with English Studies expert and literary critic Ladislav Nagy serving as moderator.
- Where: Václav Havel Library, Ostrovní 13, Prague 110 00
- When: June 22, 2020, 19:00 – 21:00