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Jan Lukavec: From Czech Tokyo to exotic Prague

  • Where: Montmartre Gallery
  • When: March 7, 2014, 19:00 – 21:00

Columnist and cultural studies expert Jan Lukavec will present his new book Od českého Tokia k exotické Praze (From Czech Tokyo to Exotic Prague) about Czechs’ travels in search of the exotic and the incursion of the exotic into Bohemia.

Historian František Šístek will be guest.

And dancer Anja Řezníčková will perform.

How did our predecessors react then they saw belly dancing, whirling dervishes or bonsai trees for the first time? How have Czech fears of Islam or the “yellow peril” changed? Who were the first genuine Indians or Blacks to live in Bohemia? Is Prague a city of devout ladies or of “acquiescent and unfettered hot-blooded women”? When will Czech-Vietnamese writers appear in school textbooks?  And will we ever have a president of Romany or Vietnamese origin?

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