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The Round Table as Instrument of Change: Central Europe in 1989

  • Where: Václav Havel Library, Ostrovní 13, Prague 110 00
  • When: May 20, 2024, 19:00 – 21:00

In the late 1980s, so-called round tables played a significant role in many Soviet bloc countries as an instrument of political and social change. The model was a meeting between the Communist regime and elements of the opposition in Poland in the spring of 1989, which gave rise to the country’s first partially free elections since WWII. Michael Kocáb, Martin Mejstřík and Petr Blažek will discuss the causes, forms and consequences of the round table phenomenon.

Hana Kordová Marvanová will chair the debate.

One in a series of Museum of the 21st Century talks.


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