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Pavel Hošek: The Gospel According to Bohumil Hrabal

  • Where: Václav Havel Library, Ostrovní 13, Prague 110 00
  • When: April 30, 2024, 19:00 – 21:00

Bohumil Hrabal's work contains many secrets. Some have only recently come to light with the discovery of previously unknown recordings of Hrabal’s talks at the rectory in Libice nad Cidlinou, where he was a regular visitor in the 1980s. Pavel Hošek’s Evangelium podle Bohumila Hrabala (The Gospel According to Bohumil Hrabal) draws on those freshly discovered materials and offers a comprehensive interpretation of the spiritual dimension of the literary work of one of the greatest Czech writers. Pavel Hošek will take part in a discussion with Tomáš Mazal.

Jáchym Topol will introduce the event.

The programme is presented on the 110th anniversary of Hrabal's birth.


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