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Sacred Prague Castle?

  • Where: Václav Havel Library, Ostrovní 13, Prague 110 00
  • When: April 21, 2022, 19:00 – 21:00

A direct presidential election is again drawing closer and “debunking the spell” of Prague Castle and the Czech presidency requires serious discussion. The fact they are automatically sanctified fundamentally impacts the quality of our democracy. How did it come to pass that the Castle is perceived not only as the seat of head of state but also a “sacred district”? Why does this sacralisation, i.e., pseudo-religious emphasis on the special status of the Castle in national and political life, continue when the Czech state is a republic? Doesn’t this represent a danger to Czech democracy?

The topic will be discussed by art historian Richard Biegel (Faculty of Arts, Charles University/Club for Ancient Prague), arts journalist Dan Hrubý (Týdeník FORUM) and historian Petr Placák (Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes).
The debate will be chaired by historian and philosopher Petr Hlaváček (Collegium Europaeum Faculty of Arts, Charles University; Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences).


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