Jakou cenu jsme ochotni platit za lidská práva?
V demokratických společnostech panuje zásadní shoda na důležitosti lidských práv a jejich dodržování. Tento konsensus však doznává trhliny, pokud se některá lidská práva dostanou do zdánlivého či skutečného konfliktu s jinými důležitými společenskými zájmy, jako jsou bezpečnost, prosperita či většinový princip demokracie.
Těmito konflikty a jejich řešením se bude zabývat V. mezinárodní konference k Ceně Václava Havla za lidská práva, kterou uděluje Knihovna Václava Havla společně s Parlamentním shromážděním Rady Evropy a Nadací Charty 77. Ve třech panelech věnovaných lidským právům a bezpečnosti, lidským právům a prosperitě a lidským právům a demokracii vystoupí přední domácí i zahraniční odborníci, aktivisté i politici.
Meznárodní konference k poctě laureáta Ceny Václava Havla za lidská práva 2017
Praha, 11. října 2017, Pražská křižovatka
9.30 Conference Opening Michael Žantovský
Michael Žantovský, executive director, Vaclav Havel Library (Czech Republic)
9.40–10.30 Interview with The Václav Havel Human Rights Prize finalists
Chairman: Michael Žantovský, executive director, Vaclav Havel Library (Czech Republic)
Panelists: Murat Arslan, Judge, President of the Association for the Union of Judges and Prosecutors, in detention since 2016 (Turkey), represented by Christophe Régnard (France), President of the International Association of Judges Hungarian Helsinki Committee (Hungary) Nongovernmental human rights organisation represented by Balázs Tóth, Lawyer, Head of the Law Enforcement and Human Rights Program (Hungary), Georg Sporschill, SJ, Jezuit who has devoted his life to the care of the most vulnerable, notably children (Austria)
10.30–11.00 Keynote Speech by Irwin Cotler
Irwin Cotler, former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, human rights activist (Canada)
11.15–12.30 Panel I Human Rights and Security
Most Western countries adopt legal and administrative measures in the face of a series of terrorist attacks against civilian targets. What is the appropriate balance between the legitimate goal of protecting the civilian population and the preservation of liberties and rights that are at the core of liberal democracy?
Chairman: Tomáš Pojar, Vice President for International Relations of the Prague-based CEVRO Institute (Czech Republic)
- Panelists: Eva Romancovová, Head of the Strategic Project Operations Section at the Department of Security Policy of the Czech Ministry of the Interior (Czech Republic) Joshua Muravchik, Writer and Specialist on U. S. Foreign Policy, Distinguished Fellow at the World Affairs Institute (USA)
13.30–14.45 Panel II Human Rights and Prosperity
Many Western business people and politicians are reluctant to raise the issues of human rights with governments and business partners abroad, and/or to apply or observe sanctions against those who violate human rights. Does an open debate about human rights represent a net cost to economic interests, or can it contribute to prosperity as well?
Chairman: Martin Veselovský, Journalist and Editor, DVTV (Czech Republic)
Panelists: Olga Lomová, Sinologist, Head of the Far East Institute at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague (Czech Republic) Grigory Pasko, Director, Community of Investigative Journalists – Fond 19/29. Journalist, writer, film-maker, ecologist and human rights activist (Russia) Jiří Šitler, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Sweden, Diplomat and Historian (Czech Republic)
15.00–16.30 Panel III Human Rights and Democracy
The protection of basic and universal human rights is one of the tenets of a liberal democratic system. To what extent can human rights be ignored, neglected or constrained without corrupting the core of the democratic system? On the other hand, how far can the concept of human rights be expanded without starting to interfere with the democratic process?
Chairman: Martin Palouš, university professor and former politican and diplomat (Czech Republic)
Panelists: Annie Yang, formal political prisoner in China (China) David Eubank, Founder and Director of Free Burma Rangers (USA / Burma / Iraq), former major of the US Army Rangers (Thailand / Usa) Roland Oliphant, Senior foreign correspondent at the Daily Telegraph, covers Rusia, Ukraine, Crimea, Myanmar, Bangladesh (United Kingdom)
16.30 Closing remarks Karel Schwarzenberg
- Karel Schwarzenberg, politican, former President of International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (Czech Republic)