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Allen Ginsberg as King and Pariah

  • Where: Václav Havel Library, Ostrovní 13, Prague 110 00
  • When: May 16, 2016, 19:00 – 21:00

Václav Havel: “There was an intimate awareness of the beat generation in our country. I have to admit that the way the beatniks wrote and lived was close to my heart. I first encountered Allen Ginsberg in 1965 at the May Day celebrations, where he was elected king. I always had huge respect for the poet; I also admired his refinement, his intellectual abilities and the breadth of his vision.”

Translator and beat generation aficionado Josef Rauvolf will discuss US poet Allen Ginsberg’s visit to spring-time Prague in 1965, which was significant both to the writer and to the local arts scene, his subsequent StB-managed deportation, and how both the poet and officialdom reflected on his Czech sojourn.


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