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Belarus Beyond Belarus

  • Where: Václav Havel Library, Ostrovní 13, Prague 110 00
  • When: January 25, 2017, 19:00 – 21:00

Since the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Prague has been an important centre of Eastern European émigré communities, most of whose fates have been tragic. This year we will recall the 95th anniversary of the so-called Russian assistance operation, under which exiles from the former Russian Empire, not just Russians and Ukrainians but also somewhat overlooked Belarusians, were able to settle in Czechoslovakia. For the Belarusians the Czech Republic and Poland remain a refuge even today.

The then and contemporary Belarusian émigré communities will be discussed by the historians Petr Hlaváček and Pavel Kotau, authors of the freshly published book Bělorusko mimo Bělorusko. Běloruští intelektuálové v meziválečném Československu (Belarus beyond Belarus: Belarusian intellectuals in inter-war Czechoslovakia), journalist and translator Petruška Šustrová from the Civic Belarus International Association and the Prague Belarusian poet Max Šcur.

Debate chaired by Jáchym Topol.


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