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Interfaith Dialogue through Women Leaders' Perspective

  • Kde: Knihovna Václava Havla, Ostrovní 13, Praha 110 00
  • Kdy: 12. říjen 2021, 18:00 – 20:00

Faith community women leaders from various faiths - both formal and informal - are coming to Prague to share their perspectives on religious freedom in V4 countries and to discuss the importance of inclusion in interfaith dialogue. This is organized by the National Democratic Institute as a part of its program to support interfaith dialogue.

Our speakers will be:
Anna Polcková, Lutheran Priest from Slovakia.
Yael Brunner from the Czech Council of Jewish Women.
Miroslavy Keryk from Our Choice Foundation in Poland.
Dóra Laborczi, Evangelist Theologian and Journalist from Hungary.
This event will be moderated by Jan Fingerland, Commentator at the Czech Radio.
In cooperation with National Democratic Institute.


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