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Ezra Pound and his Cantos

  • Where: Montmartre Gallery
  • When: January 29, 2014, 19:00 – 21:00

One the occasion of the publication of the second and third volumes of a great 20th century epic, Ezra Pound’s Cantos (Cantos II, XXXI–LI, Cantos III, China Cantos LII–LXI) , the translator Anna Kareninová explores the concept, levels and style of this monumental composition comprising 117 songs. The evening will also feature recordings of Pound reading his poems and photos portraying places reflected in the Cantos, while a comparison of the source texts and their transformations into song will reveal something of Pound’s poetics.

Volumes of Ezra Pound translated by Anna Kareninova are published by Atlantis (


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